What I do,
Why I do it,
How I got here.
As a practitioner, a sexual educator and teacher's teacher, I help people become medicine holders; to support themselves and also others.

I help them experience the Source of life in their bodies in a way that can change who they are in the world

How can we be in the world
but not of it?
I believe in the importance of having a direct experience of the Source of Life in our bodies;

To feel it pulsating and vibrating within us, through us, for us.

I also believe we must commit to living in continuous engagement with this Source.

It allows us to live in the world without being organised by it.

We can be present with the circumstances we face, while staying connected to a power that is greater than them. 

We are able to be with more of life, to be more resourced and stable in the face of adversity.

Life becomes a living prayer in which every moment, breath, interaction, challenge and circumstance is sacred.
How do people experience us, themselves and their lives when they are around us?

What awakens in them?
As this connection to Source becomes our new baseline, we awaken a deeper medicine that is beyond any knowledge that exists outside of us.

We become more self-referential.
We become innovators, transmitters, and medicine holders.

People begin to feel the power of this medicine around us and through us.

Our interactions become more potent, effortless, intuitive and unique.

We can support others by supporting ourselves first.

We do so simply by the power of our presence.
Sexuality is NOT ONLY about pleasure. 
I start most of my workshops and sessions by telling people I don’t care if they enjoy themselves in my spaces.

Having a pleasurable, ecstatic experience can be nice, but we often return home with a strong sense of “ok, now what?”
I want deep experiences that shake, rattle, and even break us in some ways.
Our sexuality is a pathway to Source; it shows us the creative life-giving force that exists within each of us.

Our sexuality also allows us to expand beyond our edges. It shows us our deepest shadows, our greatest power, our greatest shame, our greatest pleasure.

Sex is also a way that we co-regulate; that we share resources so we can come into balance.

I watch people lie back, shake, convulse and wail as the ghosts from the past arise to be seen.

Patterns of protection and defensiveness are released and completed.

We realise we are more than we thought and that the world is more than we thought, too. 

No matter what is happening in the world around us, we can choose to be led by love in every moment and share this love with others, too.

We can choose, in every moment, to turn towards the medicine that is always here for us.

We can choose to be with it all, the good the bad, the pleasurable and the excruciating, knowing that the process (though often painful) will strengthen us.

Like a forest fertilised by the ashes of a wild fire, or a piece of land revealed by an iceberg which recedes, we are left strengthened by the experience.

This is Tantra, the integration and merging of the totality of everything.

About me 
My name is Marc Peridis.
I am a somatic therapist, an author, a sex shaman, a sacred prostitute.
I have 15 years experience, training and field study in somatic therapy, sexual education and shamanism.
My journey began on a Greek island in 2010.

A long-term relationship with a romantic partner ended in a violent and disturbing fight.

Shortly after, I was led to an unexpected oneness experience on a beach which changed my life.

I watched, in awe, as the limits of my physical body dissolved and merged with the world around it.
The sea, the sky, the sun, and the barren hills all merged into an abstract multi-colour spiral that I became one with too.

I wasn’t a spiritual person at the time. As a busy interior designer based in London and Paris, my spiritual path was limited to attending a couple of free meditation circles and skimming through a Dalai Lama book.

This experience led me to dedicate most of my free time to understanding what had happened.

- What caused me to engage in an act of violence with a partner?

- What was lurking in the shadows that needed to be seen?

- What happened in that oneness experience, and was there more for me to explore?
I became a student of Tantra and completed a 1-year training. I was led to train in somatic therapy, which I found more interesting than the linear massage techniques that often bored me.

Along the way I found myself flung into a dark room where I found myself initiated to the Mystery School* as a student and eventually as a teacher.

*The Mystery School is a process of connection to Source which is usually attributed to the ancient Greeks and Egyptians. It is now a foundation of my work.  

I followed the path that was drawn before me until eventually shamanism found me.

A series of circumstances (I still don't fully understand) led me to my first shamanic journeys in Brazil, at the end of which I was told I was a Sex Shaman.

I was led to the late Kenneth Ray Stubbs who was one of the pioneers of the modern tantra movement in San Francisco in the 1970’s.

Through him, I learned Sexual shamanism. 
Most-importantly I learned the power of "sitting".
I have sat with shamans, rinpoches, temples, sacred sites and the various parts of my self.
I learned about transmission.**

**Transmission is a communication that happens between two systems (humans, stones, pieces of land) which the mind cant understand but that has an impact. 

*I learned shamanism is a process by which we support the healing of others by transmission**, simply by the power of our very presence.
Today I share my work through group courses, 1-1 sessions, videos and books.

My work involves sexuality, not as a gateway to pleasure or to deeper intimacy but as a practice of connecting to the Source of life that exists within us. 

It also involves the unraveling and exploration of our sexual landscape which allows our transmission to be more potent and truthful.

The process can be expressed in many forms, ranging from subtle somatic experiences of transmission, to radical edgy practices of Kink and BDSM. 

You might find yourself simply sitting with me as we both intend to be one energetically while we focus on what is happening in our bodies.

We might simply be still and wonder if anything is happening at all.

We might find that ripples, pulsations, twitches arise within us, perhaps even move us into passionate physiological, or energetic sex. 

Or we might go on a wild ride from one edge of your being to the other.

We might enact your most shameful or wildest sexual fantasy for you to expand beyond these limited edges.

You might ask me for things you never thought were possible. You might ask me to slap you, tie you up, pretend to abuse you, or piss on you.

We create a sacred space to allow the healing of old wounds and trauma to take place. 
I am a teacher’s teacher
One of my passions lies in training facilitators to do their own versions of this work through practices of somatic sexuality and the Mystery School.

My teachings are not based in lineage but they carry the legacy of the Mystery School.

Whether you are a facilitator, a student or spiritual seeker,
I hold space for your teachings to awaken within you, for you.

In the end, the teaching is always the same and it is rooted in the absolute truth of nature and the universal order.

Everything, as it is, exactly as it should be.