Andy Gunn - Co-facilitator
Andy is a queer kinkster, tantrika, and BDSM educator with a fascination for what lies beyond our minds.
Not that the mind is all bad, it does a great job of protecting us, however, by design it also contains and restrains our potential, often manifesting this in shame, fear, or guilt.
Through BDSM practices, Andy helps create safe(r) containers to help release these energies in playful ways, allowing us to connect with our source, our power, and our bliss.
He teaches rope bondage for LGBTQ+, disabled, and neuro-spicy kinksters and has a keen awareness of power, intersectionality, consent, conflict transformation, and trauma-informed approaches.
Andy has also been known to say “Kink is not something you do, it is who you are” .
If he can help others find their truth, this makes him happy.