An intensive 2-level training composed of home-study courses, individual sessions and group sessions.
Develop new healing abilities
Learn somatic and energetic healing techniques and practices
Deepen intuition, psychic development, and capacities for internal referencing
Engage on a path of sacred intimacy
In the past, it has attracted facilitators who are looking add more skills to their practice, those who are keen to become facilitators and others deeply committed to their path of self-discovery who are looking a new level of deep transformation.
-A 2-Level, somatic, shamanic and erotic training.
Level 1: (3 months)
- Individual training - 8 sessions = 9.5 hours
- home study content - 28 hours
Level 2: 9 months
- Group sessions - (in-person and online)
- Course notes - 18 modules in written and audio format - 9 hours
What is a mystery school?
It is an intense process of self-realisation that relates to the world of the unseen, the mystery behind all of existence.
It explores every side of the human experience from our darkest shadows, to our highest gifts to our ability to be One with everything.
While it may at times involve connecting to a group, it is first and foremen a journey to the self.
It is a gruelling yet pleasurable process supported by a guide.
The history
Historically, the mystery schools are attributed to the ancient Greeks and ancient Egyptians who considered them their highest practices.
They gathered at temples and sacred sites to learn about connecting to the cosmos and to source.
They aimed to live better lives, and be the highest version of themselves in the world.
While it is often linked to polytheist practices of ancient mythology, it is about the awakening of the God within. It is beyond dogma, beyond religion, beyond lineage, allowing us to achieve a direct connection with our source.
Although the mystery schools were officially abolished hundreds of years ago with the rise of christianity, the legacy of its teachings continues to be passed on to us today.
The process
Central to the mystery process is the process of death/birth allowing the initiate to release his grip of the illusions of the material world.
It is about releasing attachments to anything outside of us and awakening our connection to the deep intelligence that lies within.
Somatic deep dive practices
We will learn and practice sequences of breath, sound, movement and touch, for extended periods of time, allowing us to dive deep within, achieve altered states of consciousness and unveil the wisdom of our body.
We awaken the teacher that lies within.
Energetic transmission work
The most important part of the process will happen through energetic transmission. We will learn processes for energetic merging, for developing our energetic abilities and sharing these for the benefit of others.
Sexuality and eros
We will explore sexuality, eros, the orgasm and sacred intimacy.
We will look at sexuality as the gateway to our darkest shadow and our deepest shame, and allow transmutation to occur as we unravel it.
We will also look at eros and the orgasm as the gateway to our highest power, our greatest gifts.
Who is it for?
In the past, it has attracted facilitators who have wanted to add new skills and abilities to their practices, people who are on a journey to becoming a facilitator or teacher, who yearn to awaken their gifts, or people who are simply committed to a path of radical transformation, who want to take their personal spiritual practice to a whole new level.
It is for those who wish to develop themselves in a safe container, and explore how to awaken their highest gifts and bring them to the world. For those who are committed to a spiritual path and willing to go deep. Those who yearn to become who they were meant to be, and believe that their very presence alone can bring transformation, healing and impact to the world. Together we will
We will gather as brothers, lovers, friends, we will sit in presence in here and now. We will share vulnerably from the heart, and create deep bonds as we witness each other’s process of deep transformation.
The Programme
The 5 stages of the Mystery school
The teachings will follow the 5 stages of the mystery school process :
1- Discovery
2- Initiation
3- Awakening
4- Embodying
5- Integration and oneness
1- Discovery:
This first stage involves the discovery that the body is a tool for deep transformation and for achieving oneness.
2- Initiation & self-realisation.
After realising that the body is our greatest tool for transformation and oneness, we then evoke the areas of our being which are seeking transformation.
This stage includes shadow work, and deep processing of our darkest underworld.
3- Awakening:
We will then focus on awakening higher power that is within us. This stage will include the awakening of our energetic power as well as the discovery of our unique individual gift for the world: our essence.
4- Embodying:
In this stage we turn inwards and focus on receiving and embodying our highest power for ourselves, allowing it to fully nourish the parts of ourselves which are seeking attention.
5- Integration and oneness:
As a result of having received our own essence for a continuous amount of time, we then begin to radiate and transmit it naturally and effortlessly to the world around us.
We navigate the world connected to a new power and potency.
Course Curriculum
5 stages / 18 modules
The real teachings of the course will happen through energetic transmission, and somatic movement deep dive practices.
In the course notes, themes will also be explored as foundational and theoretical principles of the mystery school.
These themes will be varied and will include the classical arts of the mysteries as well as others linked to the topic of oneness and the awakening of our greater abilities.
They will include the following:
-Introduction to the mystery school
-The death-birth process
- The human body - our tool for transformation
- Somatic practice and the deep dive
- Increasing intuition and psychic development with dowsing- Beginner and intermediate
- The orgasm: The physiological and energetic orgasm
- The six types of orgasms
- Our energy body
- Exploring shame and our shameful sexual fantasies
- The exploration of the masculine and feminine within
- Energy transmission and merging
- The process of awakening our highest gift
- Sacred geometry and numerology
- Sound work
- The embodying of our essence
- The embryo
- The serpent energy , death/birth
5-INTEGRATION AND ONENESS: - Needs, desires, boundaries co-dependancy
- Healing ourselves and others
- Quantum time and the present moment
- Completion, surrender and the eternal orgasm.
Level 1 can be started at any time.
The 8 individual sessions need to be completed in a 3-month period.
*Level 1 must be completed before moving on to level 2.
Cost - £1425
* paid upfront or in 3 instalments of £499 ( total £1597 if paid in instalments.)
Level 2
Level 2 is scheduled to begin in fall 2023.
The exact date will be determined based on the schedules of attendees.
There will be two sessions per month, and the session dates and schedule will be decided after the final group has gathered for the programme in order to best suit all the participants schedules and needs.
Cost - £1800
*Paid upfront or in 9 instalments of £222. (total £1998 if paid in instalments.)
Application process
There are no specific pre-requisites required to join this programme.
It is recommended that applicants already be engaged on a spiritual path and already committed to a regular practice.
Previous experience of somatic movement therapy, shamanism, and tantra can be helpful but is not mandatory.
Who is this for?
In the past, the mystery school has attracted facilitators who are looking add more skills to their practice, those who are keen to become facilitators and others deeply committed to their path of self-discovery who are looking a new level of deep transformation.
Participant commitment:
Each participant’s journey will be unique and will have its own unique essence and through-line.
The theory offered in the module content should be received as transmissions that are meant to inspire students to carve their own practices and theoretical frameworks.
The materials are not intended to offer a rigid framework that students are limited by.
It is welcome to be involved in other trainings and workshops while engaged in this training.
Participants are invited to make space for their own teachings and knowledge to arise, some inspired by the teachings and some simply arising from our potent space.
The home-study and content modules can be taken at your own pace, whenever you like.
For best impact, it is recommended be committed to this path and be willing to make it a priority
It is also crucial to commit to a regular practice (daily/weekly)
to commit to making space in their lives to sit in a potent space of void.
Participants must be aware that the journey will sometimes be challenging and gruelling
Participants are also invited to allow the space for a project to arise and develop within this field.
The process which will be taught is a continuous one that participants and revisit and continue to engage with beyond the 9-month period.
How to apply:
Participants must email a short paragraph about their intention for this course as well as any other information they feel is relevant.
Upon receiving the email, a call will be organised to discuss the programme further and see if we are a match.
When you are reading to book your level 1 training, after having a preliminary conversation with Marc, you can use the below buttons to make payment for the program.
Choose between two payment options:
- Pay in full
- Pay over 3 months: 3 payments x £499/month (total £1597)
Marc is a somatic therapist and shamanic practitioner specialised in the Medicine of eros, healing practices related to eros and sexuality.
His work has two main focuses:
1- Supporting the transmutation of shame, trauma and shadow to power, purpose and mastery.
2- As a teacher's teacher, he trains facilitators, therapists and teachers by supporting their development of new abilities.
His practices, which are often considered radical, combine talk therapy, with experiential processes involving the soma (the body), energy transmission and sexual explorations.
Interactions can range from gentler ones including soft touch, cuddling and conscious stillness to more radical ones such as dark-room therapy, and re-enacting kinky, taboo and shameful sexual scenarios in healing and conscious ways.
Today, he shares his work through 1-1 sessions, online and in-person, residential and non-residential courses and workshops, and online live and pre-recorded courses.
After spending over a decade training in somatic movement therapy, energy work and sacred sexuality, his own practice emerged as a result of his years spent observing behavioural responses in 1-1 and group therapy sessions worldwide.
As well as being a trained somatic movement therapist, he has also been initiated into shamanism in 2015 and in the Mystery School as a student in 2013 and a guide in 2018.
He is also senior faculty at the Shakti Shiva Academy since 2021.
While his process and practice are open to people of all levels of experience, he tends to work mostly with advanced practitioners, people who are keen to become facilitators, and facilitators wishing to develop new skills.