The Mystery School of Somatic Sexual Shamanism
3-month Bonus series
For all Level 2 students
- A 3 month series of intensive deep dives
How to register
Course schedule
Start date-
21 September 2025
3 months
End date-
22 December 2025
Course format
* 6 deep dive workshops over 3 months
(ranging from 3 hours to 48 hours)
Deep dives
-6 sessions total
- ranging from 3 hours to 48 hours
What happens in a typical Deep dive workshop?
The deep dive workshops are intensive processes designed to support a greater and deeper development.

In these sessions, we will experience our dive practices for a longer time.
There will be 3 types of deep dive workshops:

1- Night dives (x3)
2- 24-hour dives (x2)
3- 48-hour dives (x1)

1- Night dives
Night dives will take place in the middle of the night, between 1-3 am.
This is the time when DMT production is at its highest level.
Night dives allow us to rewire our neurology and re-orient towards a more truthful (less illusionary) perspective.

2- 24-hour dives
A 24-hour dives, we will be in a non-verbal dive process for a period of 24 hours.
The longer period allows us to drop deeper into truth and experience a greater leap in our development.

3- 48-hour dives
48-hour dives, will be similar to the 24-hour dive, but will last 48 hours.
Session Schedules
The session schedule will be decided as the group will have formed, and will attempt to take into consideration everyone's own availability.
This is to ensure that less people will be missing sessions.

*All sessions will be recorded.