The Erotic shadow
An intensive 4-week course,
An exploration of sexual shame and personal power.
Online Via Zoom – Starting Thursday 02 February 2022
Course Dates (all Thursdays) :
– 02, 09, 16, 23 February
Start time every week:
12 noon PST / 3pm EST / 8pm UK / 9pm CET
Session duration: 2 hours / week
Our shadow is the part of ourselves that we want to avoid, that we sweep under the rug, that we don’t want to see and we certainly don’t want to talk about.
When it remains unexplored it can create a murky underworld that can impact every aspect of our life: our relationships, our finances, our relationship to purpose etc.
It creates patterns, stories and narratives that keep us from being our true selves and from seeing life as it truly is.
When explored and integrated, transformation can happen.
It isn’t, however, just about getting rid of it or resolving it.
It is a journey to better know ourselves, as the shadow often leads us to the awakening of our greatest power and our highest gifts.
The sexual shadow can be most potent to explore as it can often hold our darkest shame and our most relentless compulsions.
This 4-week course will take you on a deep dive exploring every aspect of your shadow.
It will offer participants a sacred and safe space to explore these aspects with a group of sacred brothers, while also learning skills that will allow you to deepen the exploration on your own.
Each of the sessions will include the following:
– A short lecture
– A sharing space for emotional processing
– A guided meditative practice involving somatic practices and energy work.
The following themes will be explored:
WEEK 1 – The introduction to the shadow
You will learn how to begin exploring your shadow
You will also discover the role that sexuality and eros play in the process
WEEK 2 – Exploring sexual trauma
We will explore trauma’s role in our erotic responses
We will explore the role and wisdom of the nervous system
We will explore how to engage with a deeper erotic truth
WEEK 3 – Shame and sexual fantasies
You will learn how to engage with shame in constructive ways
We will learn about wholeness and about ourselves from exploring our sexual fantasies
WEEK 4 – Integration – Awakening erotic wisdom
We will explore how the exploration and integration of the shadow can lead to the awakening of our highest truth.
We will learn about our neurochemistry and how it impacts our day to day lives.
We will explore the deep dive where the unconscious meets the conscious.
By signing up to this course you will receive the following:
1- Access to the 4 x 120 minute group sessions – live on Zoom for 4 Thursdays
3- Lifetime access to the session video recordings
Please note this course is open to all men and may include nudity and self-pleasuring.
View 15 min intro video
MARC PERIDIS COST Book your space for
Also known as the Orgasmic shaman, Marc is a somatic and shamanic therapist specialised in supporting radical transformation with the power of the orgasm. He defines transformation as the return to the truth of who we are.
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£80 early bird (limited to first 8 participants)
£95 regular price
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