This level 3 training is the highest level Orgasmic shamanism course available.
8 participants will gather for 10 days to experience a process of death-birth inspired by the practices of the mystery schools of ancient civilisations.
The centrepiece of the course will be a 5-day deep dive in complete darkness.
Everything that comes before this dive will be a preparation for it, what comes after it will be a spec for integration.
The preparation
The preparation will include the following:
Theory and lectures on the power of the deep dive , as much as necessary.
Sharing spaces for emotional processing
Preparatory dive practices
Darkroom logistical practice (how to get food, how to go to the bathroom and shower.
The 5-day deep dive
For 5 days, we will experience an intense death/birth process.
We will spend the 5 days in a space of no light, complete formlessness, with no verbal communication and no notion of time and space.
This will be a space for a dissolving of the self as well as any illusions that stand in the way of living more in truth.
For this time, we will maintain a continuous connection to our source.
The darkness will allow for DMT production to be maximised in the brain.
This supports neuroplasticity, as well as a shift in perspective and a dissolving of the self.
We will witness the arise of bliss and pleasure along side darkness and pain.
We will awaken a potent medicine that lies deep within us.
We will have the space to deeply embody the power that awakens when we are connected to our source, to the mystery.
Through continuous exposure to a field of intensified energy, we will experience an energetic attunement and a development of energetic structures.
While there will be no verbal communication, communication through sound and touch (sexual and non-sexual) will be possible.
Initiates will be invited to use the interactions wisely. In this space it can be easy to use interactions as a way of bypassing the discomfort of the experience. It will be important to stay present with ourselves and maintain a commitment to getting the most from this experience.
The integration
The integration space will mainly be a space of deep rest.
We will avoid any processing during this time.
Our goal will be to spend our time preparing to return to the local world with the ability to integrate the power which has been awakened and embodied during the 5-day dive.
This will include practice time, as well as conversations about how to bring this power into the world.