Based in a small coastal town outside of Barcelona, Marc is a Canadian-born facilitator who has been working with tantra and spirituality since 2010.He spends most of his time teaching his own practice, Orgasmic Shamanism, which uses energy work and spontaneous movement to harness the energy of the orgasm for spiritual growth and personal transformation. His approach is often considered radical and his passion lies in transmuting our deepest and most shameful shadows into our highest and most transformative power. Read More
– 4.5 years shamanic training with Sexual shaman Kenneth Ray – Stubbs (Arizona)
– 8 years Somatic Movement training with Jane Okondo (London)
– 1-year Authentic Eros training with Kai Ehrhardt and Volker Moritz (Berlin)
– Reiki level 1 and 2 with Stephen Morallee (London)
– EFT and dowsing training with Carolyn Parker (San Francisco)
– Theta-healing Basic DNA training with Noam Paz (Tel Aviv)
One of my proudest achievements has been to co-create the Earth Energy Project with Kenneth Ray Stubbs. For years I traveled the world facilitating and supporting ceremonies, which helped support the energetic development of the Earth.
From Kilimanjaro to Istanbul, Athens to Sedona, I traveled some of the world’s most significant sacred sites, allowing me to download knowledge which I have used to develop my work today.