Please find below the details of this workshop.
I am excited you have booked your space for the Deep Erotic Dive - Orgasmic shamanism workshop in London Saturday 17 September 2022.
This page contains all the information needed for the workshop.
1-General information:
This evening orgasmic shamanism workshop will begin at 11:00 am on Saturday 17 September 2022 and end at 6:00 pm.
The workshop will be taught naked and will include optional partner and group work.
More general information on the workshop's content can be found on this link:
The workshop will take place in SOHO at the following address:
19 Greek street London
It is the white facade with no signage between Zebrano and Montagu Pike.
You can message me on the following number if you have any trouble finding it: +34625207980
3- Arrivals:
Arrivals begin at 10:50 am. If you have a delay or an emergency, please contact me on +34625207980
4- Monkey Pox safety:
Considering the current wave of Monkey Pox infections to have hit the UK, I do require that if anyone feels they may be displaying early symptoms of Monkey Pox or believes they have been in contact with someone who tested positive from Monkey Pox they should abstain from taking part in the workshop.
5-What to bring
* A freshly-washed sheet or towel
* A bottle of drinking water
* Lubricant (optional, if desired)
It is necessary to have attended an in-person Orgasmic Shamanism workshop before attending this class.
7-Consent and boundaries
The workshop will be taught naked and will include interaction in pairs and groups.
Participants are free to choose to practice only on their own and not be paired up if they wish.
Ejaculation is welcome.
At the beginning of the session, we will practice some simple and clear ways of voicing boundaries.
While this workshop will be a conscious and sex-positive play-space, it is important to remember that self-care and respect of others, are the top priority.
It is also important to note that pairings will be matched randomly. Participants need to be open to work with anyone in the group, wjhile still respecting their boundaries.
I am really looking forward to sharing this space with all of you.
In the mean time, if you need any more information please do not hesitate to contact me.
Lots of love and warm erotic hugs to all of you!
Marc x