I’m really excited to finally be about to share my short film with you all. It’s a film that’s really personal for me, and it’s been difficult to realise my vision for it, but now that I’m able to show it to people I know that it was the right thing to do. The film is called Sacred Orgies and the Orgasm Field. The film is broken into four sections, and it charts my journey to understand the power of this work and hopefully helps explain why I’m so obsessed with self-pleasure and orgasms. Why make a film? At the end of 2019 – a different time that now almost […]
It feels so important to talk about fear and anxiety right now, as so many of us are experiencing in our current context. Where does fear come from? How can we build up the erotic intelligence which is needed to better engage with it? You might be surprised to learn that fear actually exists in our system before we are even born. The fear paralysis reflex is actually the first reflex we experience as a fetus and it is meant to be a protective mechanism to ensure we can survive an attack on our mother if one were to happen. The tricky part is that it is meant to integrate into the Moro reflex, […]