Category Archives: Tips and Tricks

Fundamentals of the energetic orgasm

Fundamentals of the energetic orgasm

I talk about orgasms so much that sometimes I forget that not everyone will be familiar with the terms that I’m using. In this blog post, I wanted to spend some time on these fundamental principles – the fundamentals of orgasms. If you want to re-cap on where orgasmic shamanism originated from, or what’s all about, check out this blog post. Otherwise, let’s dive right in. What energy are we unlocking through an orgasm? The text-book way that we learn about orgasms focuses on the physiological understanding of the orgasm. There’s arousal, stimulation, and ejaculation, and the orgasm is effectively the trigger that delivers the money-shot of ejaculation. What the […]

How do we awaken our orgasmic potential?

How do we awaken our orgasmic potential?

How do we awaken our orgasmic potential? I use these words a lot, and people generally think that I’m talking about having better orgasms. Yes, that’s part of it, but the most interesting part is that spending more time in orgasms can help us awaken our limitless potential as human beings. That’s what really excites me. I describe the workshops that I lead and the sessions that I facilitate as Orgasmic Shamanism – it’s all about sacred sexuality and tapping into our sexual energy. It’s not a new concept, but much of my work revolves around perceiving the orgasm as a shamanic act. What this means is that when you’re […]

How can we achieve an effortless existence?

How can we achieve an effortless existence?

Talking about an effortless existence might seem a bit abstract, or almost too good to be true. What does achieving an effortless existence actually mean? If you look at nature, there’s no effort in nature. It’s a process that just happens. Flowers blossom, seeds are planted, rain falls, sun shines, and plants grow. That same process is behind the creation of us humans – cells are formed when a sperm meets an egg, and a baby begins to grow. We seem to have forgotten that we come from such an effortless process. We’ve created this world that’s structured around systems – school, education, work, society. Systems that go against the […]

Remembering our value: Reclaiming our birthright of erotic abundance

Remembering our value: Reclaiming our birthright of erotic abundance

Money and sex have a lot in common. Both are topics that tend to be difficult to talk about in our human culture. They involve shame, fear, guilt, pleasure. But also our deepest desires, yearnings and our inability to voice them. I love talking about sex and money. For the past few years I have been supporting people on this journey, helping them improve their relationship to abundance. And now we are in special times. It is clear that in our current covid context, this is, more than ever, an important topic to explore. For the past few days I have had the privilege of teaching workshops in person in […]